Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles, Conference Papers, and Public Policy Submissions
My research interests underpin my Seanad Éireann legislative and policy programme. I have included a number of papers under three headings of Gender & Education, Irish Neutrality, and Ireland & the European Union here. These contributions to my own academic discipline can enable prospective voters to make an informed decision on my expertise, values, and policy agenda.



Political Activism - Gender-Based Violence, Bullying, Discrimination, and Sexual Consent in an Educational Setting
I deliver a number of Gender modules as a lecturer in the School of Law and Government at DCU: a final year undergraduate module "Gender and Politics" and a Masters degree module "Gender and Security" for students on the MA programmes in International Relations, Conflict and Security Studies, and Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters in Security Studies.
Aside from my academic teaching and research in the area, I have engaged in grassroots work on the ground within the university sector, setting up a support group for PhD students "Critical and Feminist Methodologies and Beyond" and introduced sexual consent workshops for incoming first year undergraduate students at DCU with staff and student colleagues and the DCU Students' Union. The workshops were particularly beneficial to female students, as research showed that more of them gained confidence in negotiating sexual consent scenarios, from 1 in 2 before the workshop to 3 in 4 after the workshop.
I also wrote a wrote a report on the gendered status of female university academic staff in the context of gendered dynamics in society at large, as part of "Project Hypatia" an initative to promote gender equality undertaken with two PhD students.

Dr. Karen Devine