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Political Activism - Irish Neutrality

I have spent twenty years as a professional academic researcher of Irish Neutrality. I wrote my PhD thesis on public opinion on Irish neutrality in Trinity College Dublin's Department of Political Science, from 2000-2006. It is entitled, "Public Opinion on Irish Neutrality: a theoretical and empirical test of the 'rational public' hypothesis".  It was the first and is still the only academic study of the values and identities underpinning the public's support for neutrality. You can read it below.


This study and the various peer-reviewed articles and papers I have published on Irish neutrality led to an invitation to work for an Independent MEP during 2017-2018 tracking developments in the European Union's Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), and in particular, Permanent Structured Cooperation in Defence (PESCO). I developed a set of policy positions dealing with the relationship and tensions between Irish neutrality, and CSDP / PESCO. Below is a short video I contributed to, "What's the Story with Irish Neutrality?", summarising the tensions between new developments in EU military interventions, Ireland's participation in CSDP, and how it impacts on Irish neutrality. 


If elected to Seanad Éireann, I will articulate and support the public's concept of active neutrality, and hold the Government to account in the areas of Irish foreign, security and defence policies in accordance with the standards and norms of active neutrality. I will inform public discourses on how Irish state military operations and practices either undermine or put into effect the public's active neutrality-based preferences and contribute to peace.

PhD thesis public opinion on Irish neutr
LMF What's the story with Irish Neutrali

Dr. Karen Devine


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