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Publications - Conference Papers

I have written and presented more than 50 conference papers to date. Most of the papers and presentations are available on-line. A number of papers are available below:

56. Devine, Karen and Karl Murphy. Are trilogued files less transparent? A contribution to the debate on the efficiency-transparency trade-off of trilogues as part of the EU co-decision process. Trilogues Workshop, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 18-19-SEP-19.

55. Devine, Karen. Brexit, Ireland and the EU. 31st Desmond Greaves Summer School, Dublin, Ireland, 07-SEP-19 - 09-SEP-19

54. Devine, Karen. PESCO and Irish Neutrality. European Parliament GUE/NGL Group, Donegal, Ireland. 08-MAR-19

53. Devine, Karen. Are We Heading Towards an EU Army? European Parliament GUE/NGL Group, NUI Galway, Ireland, 08-NOV-18

52. Devine, Karen with Lizotte, Eichenberg, and Stoll “Citizen Support for the Pursuit of Gender Equality in U.S. Foreign Policy” APSA, Boston, USA, 01-SEP-18

51. Devine, Karen. Gendered Politics of Sexual Consent: Evaluating the Effect of Sexual Consent Workshops on University Students based on a Critical, Reverse-Engineered, Agency-Structure Framework of Understanding. 25th World Congress of Political Science, International Political Science Association (IPSA). Brisbane, Australia, 24-26-JUL-18

50. Devine, Karen. Public Opinion and European Security Cooperation. European Initiative on Security Studies. University Pantheon-Assas (Paris 2), Paris, France 21-JUNE-18 - 22-JUNE-18

49. Devine, Karen. The Genealogy of The European Defence Community - Excerpts from Jean Monnet's Memoirs. Conference on PESCO. Peace and Neutrality Alliance and the People's Movement, Mansion House, Dublin, Ireland 17-FEB-18

48. Devine, Karen. The Question of Irexit. European Parliament EFDD Group, RDS Dublin Ireland. 3-FEB-18

47. Devine, Karen. Evidence-based reasons explaining the Brexit referendum result. 29th Desmond Greaves Summer School, Dublin, Ireland 8-SEP-17 - 10-SEP-17

46. Devine, Karen. Gender Politics of Higher Education Participation: Developing Holistic “Recognition, Response and Recovery” Programmes for Student Victims of Sexual and Domestic Violence, 5th European Conference on Politics and Gender, Lausanne Switzerland, 8-JUN-17 – 10-JUN-17

45. Devine, Karen. Identity as a 'Post-9/11' Foreign Policy Variable: Examining use of Force and Patriotism Interactions in Elite Discourses and Longitudinal Public Opinion Surveys, ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops: Public Opinion, Foreign Policy and the use of Force in Turbulent Times, Nottingham, UK 25-APR-17 – 30-APR-17

44. Devine, Karen. Research-based Evidence Explaining Brexit in the context of Irexit and the EU. Symposium, 'The Left and the EU: Ireland After Brexit', University College Cork, CACSSS Research Seminar Room, ORB G27, Cork, Ireland 05-DEC-16 - 05-DEC-16

43. Devine, Karen. Ireland in the world today The 1916 centenary – a critical look: 28th Desmond Greaves Summer School, Dublin 9-SEP-16 – 11-SEP-16 

42. Devine, Karen. Military Roles in State and Public Identities: power, gender and neutrality intersections. Marcus Wallenberg Symposium on Gendering Neutrality, Sigtuna, Sweden, 22-AUG-16 - 24-AUG-16

41. Devine, Karen (& Christine Agius). Gendered Security? The politics of protection in post-neutral states, Marcus Wallenberg Symposium on Gendering Neutrality, Sigtuna, Sweden, 22-AUG-16 - 24-AUG-16

40. Devine, Karen. Gender is as Gendered Does? From macro-structures to micro-experiences of gender discrimination in Higher Education in Ireland: evaluating and resolving equality policy deficits, ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops 2016 Gendering Equality in Practice, Pisa, Italy , 27-APR-16 - 27-APR-16

39. Devine, Karen (with Christine Agius). The Difference Gender Makes to Peace and Security. International Feminist Journal of Politics Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 18-JUN-15

38. Devine, Karen and Gezim Visoka. Episte-Methodological Pluralism and the Consilience of Knowledge in International Relations, Millennium Annual Conference, 17-OCT-14 – 19-OCT-14, LSE, London, UK

37. Devine, Karen and Christine Agius. Gendered Security? Analysing support for non-violence and robust military humanitarian interevention. Oceanic Conference on International Studies (OCIS), 09-JULY-14 – 11-JULY-14, Melbourne, Australia

36. Devine, Karen. Patriotism and the use of force in foreign policy: a comparative case study of public attitudes in Australia, the US and Ireland. OCIS, 09-JULY-14 – 11-JULY-14, Melbourne, Australia

35. Devine, Karen. Debunking the ‘Unneutral Thesis’, The Emergency: Ireland in War Time. NUI, Galway 27-JUNE-14 – 28-JUNE-14, Galway, Ireland

34. Devine, Karen, Patriotism as a Driver of Public Attitudes to U.S. Foreign Policy: A Longitudinal and Genealogical Study, American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Conference, 29-AUG-13 - 01-SEP-13, Chicago, IL, USA

33. Devine, Karen, The Relationship between Horizontal and Vertical Violence: Individual-Level Security Dispositions and the International Use of Force, International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference, 03-APR-13 - 06-APR-13, San Francisco, CA, USA

32. Devine, Karen, Patriotism as a Driver of Public Attitudes to US Foreign Policy, International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference, 03-APR-13 - 06-APR-13, San Francisco, CA, USA

31. Devine, Karen, Patriotism in Public Opinion on Foreign Policy: Comparing the cases of the USA and Ireland, Race, Identity and Ethnicity Conference., 25-MAR-13 - 28-MAR-13, Grand Rapids Community College, Grand Rapids, MI, USA

30. Devine, Karen, For Better Or For Worse? The Impact of EU membership on Ireland's Policy Toward the Third World , The Association of Third World Studies Annual Conference, 11-OCT-12 - 13-OCT-12, Berry College, Rome, Georgia, USA

29. Devine, Karen, A Genealogy of 'Peace Policy' in Irish Foreign Policy across four centuries of discourse and practice, International Studies Association Annual Conference, 01- 04-APR-12, San Diego, USA

28. Devine, Karen, The Role of Patriotism in Public Attitudes to US and Irish Foreign Policy, International Studies Association (ISA), 01-APR-12 - 04-APR-12, San Diego, CA, USA

27. Devine, Karen., Ireland's relationship with neutrality, NATO and the UN, Neutrality in the XXI Century - Lessons for Serbia, 01-DEC-11 - 02-DEC-11, Belgrade, Serbia

26. Devine, Karen, Gender dynamics in attitudes to neutrality and foreign policy, Political Studies Association of Ireland (PSAI), 21-OCT-11 - 23-OCT-11, Dublin, Ireland

25. Devine, Karen., Small states and the [social] construction of the European Union's 'European External Action Service' (EEAS) : the case of Ireland, The University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES), 05-SEP-11 - 07-SEP-11, Cambridge, UK

24. Devine, Karen., Variation in the content and analysis of Eurobarometer surveys: implications for making cross-national inferences, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, 25-AUG-11 - 27-AUG-11, Rekjavik, Iceland

23. Devine, Karen., The political psychology of repeat referendums on EC Treaties: the impact of media, campaign messages and image-making on public opinion and voting behaviour, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, 25-AUG-11 - 27-AUG-11, Reykjavik, Iceland

22. Devine, Karen., India and the European Union as 'global actors': a comparison, India in International Relations: European and Indian Perspectives, 27-APR-11 - 29-APR-11, New Delhi, India

21. Devine, Karen., The Status and Use of Methodological [Epistemological] Pluralism in the Discipline of International Relations: Moving beyond the Double Negative Position, International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, 16-MAR-11 - 19-MAR-11, Montreal, Canada

20. Devine, Karen., Core Values, Political Orientations and Attitudes To Neutrality in Ireland, International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, 16-MAR-11 - 19-MAR-11, Montreal, Canada

19. Devine, Karen., Principles and motivations underpinning the development of the European Union's Security and Defence Policy: from treaties to practice, Conflict Resolution: Challenges, Successes, and Failures of Supranational and International Organizations, Grand Rapids Community College Annual Peace Studies Conference , 27-SEP-10 - 29-SEP-10, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

18. Devine, Karen., The EU and the eradication of neutrality as a basis for independent foreign policy in Europe, An Independent Irish Foreign Policy: a future? PANA, 03-04-SEP-10, Parnell Square, Dublin

17. Devine, Karen., The Role of International Relations Theoretical Perspectives in the Discourses and Policy Practices of Neutrality in European States, International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, 17-FEB-10 - 20-FEB-10, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

16. Devine, Karen., Integrating Research on Domestic and Foreign Policy Opinions, International Studies Association (ISA) Workshop, 16-FEB-10 - 16-FEB-10, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

15. Devine, Karen., Methodological pluralism in constructivism: deconstructing and reconstructing empirical international relations and political science research through a critical social constructivist approach, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) 5th General Conference, 10-SEP-09 - 12-SEP-09, Potsdam, Germany

14. Devine, Karen., National identity, values and beliefs: the dynamics of public opinion on Irish neutrality assessed in a comparative 'rational public' context, Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), 14-JUL-09 - 17-JUL-09, Trinity College, Dublin, Dublin

13. Devine, Karen., Irish neutrality and the Lisbon Treaty, In: Iain Atack and Sean McCrum (eds) Neutrality: Irish Experience, European Experience, 08-09-MAY-09, RIA/Irish School of Ecumenics, Dublin, 30 - 33

12. Devine, Karen., 'Othering' NATO? The Social Construction of NATO in European Neutrals' Foreign Policy Discourses, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Joint Sessions of Workshops (Workshop 24:'Theorising Nato'), 14-APR-09 - 19-APR-09, Lisbon, Portugal

11. Devine, Karen., Locating the European Union within the context of European security institutions, 1945 - 2009, Peacemaking and Peace-building in Europe and South Asia Workshop, 26-FEB-09 - 28-FEB-09, Dublin City University, Dublin

10. Devine, Karen., Irish neutrality and ESDP in the Lisbon Treaty: competing or complementary?, International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, 15-FEB-09 - 18-FEB-09, New York, USA

9. Devine, Karen., Analysing identity dynamics in elite-public orientations towards Irish neutrality, Political Studies Association of Ireland Conference, 17-OCT-08 - 19-OCT-08, Galway

8. Devine, Karen., Irish Party Positions on the EU's CFSP/ESDP and Irish neutrality, Party Politics and the EU on the Island of Ireland, 28-APR-08, Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA)

7. Devine, Karen., Panel 10 Methodological Pluralism? Consolidating Political Science Methodology, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Joint Sessions of Workshops, 11-APR-08 - 16-APR-08, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Rennes, France

6. Devine, Karen., Irish political parties' attitudes towards Irish neutrality and the evolution of the EU's CFSP/ESDP, Political Studies Association of Ireland (PSAI) Conference, 19-21-OCT-07, Dublin

5. Devine, Karen., Deconstructing concepts of Irish neutrality using International Relations theories, RIA Committee for the Study of International Affairs, Graduate Research Seminar, 17-18-NOV-05, Dublin

4. Devine, Karen., Are public attitudes to Irish neutrality "rationally" structured?, Political Studies Association of Ireland (PSAI) Annual Conference, 21-OCT-05 - 23-OCT-05, Belfast, United Kingdom

3. Devine, Karen., Testing the Rational Public hypothesis: the case of public attitudes to Irish neutrality, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Conference, 08-10-SEP-05, Budapest, Hungary

2. Devine, Karen., Foreign Policy Analysis as Discourse: deconstructing Irish neutrality and the "unneutral" thesis using International Relations theory, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Joint Sessions of Workshops, 14-APR-05 - 19-APR-05, Granada, Spain

1. Devine, Karen., Irish Neutrality and the Politics of Definition: An Examination of Government, Public and Academic Concepts, Is Ireland a Democracy?, 02-APR-04 - 03-APR-04, NUI Maynooth, Ireland


Dr. Karen Devine


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