Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles, Conference Papers, and Public Policy Submissions
My research interests underpin my Seanad Éireann legislative and policy programme. I have included a number of papers under three headings of Gender & Education, Irish Neutrality, and Ireland & the European Union here. These contributions to my own academic discipline can enable prospective voters to make an informed decision on my expertise, values, and policy agenda.



Dr. Karen Devine, Independent, Seanad Éireann election, NUI Constituency
I ran in the Seanad Éireann Election 2020 for a seat on the National University of Ireland (NUI) Panel. My no.1 vote preferences increased by 12% from the 2016 election result.
I stand for Equality Within Ireland, and Equality for Ireland, focusing on Equality in Education, Gender, and Ireland's relations with the European Union.
I seek to bring about progressive systemic change in terms of government policy, Oireachtas legislation, and societal norms and attitudes in these areas.
Below is a summary of my priorities - further details on my proposed plan of actions are available at the end of this page:
Seanad Éireann Campaign Issues

Dr. Karen Devine